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2 min read
Paul Auster, the Brooklyn's Bard
It was a wrong number that started it, the telephone ringing three times in the dead of the night, and the voice on the other end asking...

1 min read
The Guardians
Here is a good incipit in medias res, which plunges us into the center of the story, and reveals the mission of the main character -...

6 min read
Murders of the East Texas Backwoods - the Hap & Leonard Stories by Joe R. Lansdale
I think I've developed an addiction to Joe R. Lansdale. And for a variety of good reasons.

5 min read
The Queen’s Gambit: the Book Behind the Netflix Series
In October 2020 The Queen's Gambit made its debut on Netflix. To date, it remains one of the most watched Netflix productions of all...

1 min read
I wanted you to see what real courage is
If you’ve ever wondered what real courage is, take a lesson from Atticus Finch - the famous character of Harper Lee’s To Kill a...

1 min read
As long as there’s one person to believe it, there’s no story that can’t be true
Looking for something in the Yuletide spirit, but without “outpourings of hypocritical pap and syrup”? Then Paul Auster’s Auggie Wren’s...

1 min read
Reading was my escape and my comfort
“Reading was my escape and my comfort, my consolation, my stimulant of choice”. What does reading mean to you? If asked, I’d definitely...
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